aarakshit bhookhand example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. Draw from this case the conclusion that, if the permanent marital union does not exist everywhere, it may be a natural requirement 2. First a political requirement 3. He stood against him still, so the the requirement of a personal examination, which is well worth it attacks! It is nevertheless considered by many in the postwar period, as the greatest French writers 4. However, domestic laws do not present the faculty to extradite shall not prevent the development of conventional law making it a requirement 5. However, there is no requirement that these relationships have an "intuitive sense" or rather it is the system of formal relations, expressed symbolically, to be considered as the direction

Given are the examples of hindi word aarakshit bhookhand usage in english sentences. The examples of aarakshit bhookhand are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., requirement.

Such reports are designed in Access according to the requirement of end-user.

Many such fields may be selected according to the information requirement of the query.
Both the controls may be customised according to the requirement of the designer.
According to one estimate more than 70 per cent energy requirement in rural households is met by these two ; continuation of these is increasingly becoming difficult due to decreasing forest area.
Energy is a basic requirement for economic development.
Proper financial planning must be done to determine the requirement of capital, source from which capital will be raised and the best ways of utilising the capital in the firm.
Once the requirement of physical facilities has been determined, the entrepreneur should draw a layout plan showing the arrangement of these facilities.
Since no individual entrepreneur can do everything himself, he must identify the requirement of skilled and unskilled workers and managerial staff.
Cells in this stage remain metabolically active but no longer proliferate unless called on to do so depending on the requirement of the organism.
Nearly 15-25 per cent of the total water requirement of the household comes from roof top water harvesting.
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